Competitive Transmission Forum
Hosted by
The New England States Committee on Electricity
and ISO New England
October 26, 2015
Westborough, MA
Purpose: To inform New England State Officials, ISO-NE and participants in New England system planning on competitive transmission best practices and lessons learned from parties that have already engaged in similar activities.
Driver: New England is beginning to implement its Order 1000 competitive transmission process. The Forum will allow New England stakeholders to benefit from the shared experiences in other regions that have already held competitive transmission solicitations.
Target Audience: New England state officials and staff, ISO-NE staff, participants in New England system planning activities, such as members of the Planning Advisory Committee.
Panel 1: The Regional Transmission Organization (RTO) Perspective
- PJM – Paul McGlynn, Senior Director, System Planning
- CAISO – Steve Rutty, Director, Grid Assets
- NYISO – John Buechler, Executive Regulatory Policy Advisor
- SPP – Ben Bright, Manager, Regulatory Process
Panel 2: The Competitive Developer Point of View
- PSEG – Jodi Moskowitz
- LS Power – Sharon Segner
- NHT / NextEra – Chris Sherman
- Anbaric – Steve Conant