Protest and Comments on ISO-NE Winter Program Proposal

Legal Document

Dated: August 5, 2015

Posted in:

Authored by:

II.             Purpose and Scope of Testimony

Q 3:       On whose behalf are you testifying in this proceeding?

I prepared this testimony on behalf of the New England States Committee on Electricity, Inc. (“NESCOE”). NESCOE is the Regional State Committee for New England and is governed by a board of managers appointed by the Governors of the six New England states. Its stated mission is to represent the interests of the citizens of the New England region by advancing policies that will provide electricity at the lowest reasonable cost over the long-term, consistent with maintaining reliable service and environmental quality.

Q 4:       What is the purpose and scope of your testimony?

In 2014, ISO New England Inc. (“ISO-NE”, the “ISO”) began a stakeholder process to develop modifications to Appendix K to Market Rule 1 of its tariff (the “Winter Reliability Program”). This stakeholder process resulted in two packages of changes that were put to a vote at the June 2, 2015 meeting of the New England Power Pool (“NEPOOL”) Markets Committee and the June 25, 2015 meeting of the NEPOOL Participants Committee. The ISO and NEPOOL have filed both packages in this proceeding, one advocated by the ISO (“ISO Proposal”) and one preferred by NEPOOL (“NEPOOL Proposal”). My assignment was to evaluate the two packages and provide recommendations. I was also asked to evaluate whether it would be feasible to apply a more market-based approach to this problem.

III.           Winter Reliability Program: The Problem

Q 5:       Please describe the problem the ISO’s Winter Reliability Program is designed to address.

The ISO arranges to have adequate capacity to meet resource adequacy objectives through its Forward Capacity Market (“FCM”) capacity construct. Under FCM, commitments to provide capacity (Capacity Supply Obligations, or “CSOs”) are put in place on a three-year forward basis through the FCM Forward Capacity Auctions (“FCAs”). Accordingly, FCAs have already been held and capacity is already committed for winter seasons through 2017-2018.

While adequate capacity has consistently been committed for future winters, in 2013 the ISO became concerned that during extended cold periods, limitations on natural gas and/or oil for power plants could jeopardize resource adequacy. The ISO felt that the owners of some oil- or gas-fueled power plants might face inadequate incentives (under their CSOs, in combination with the incentives provided by energy and ancillary services markets) to arrange the fuel supplies that could be needed for an unusually cold winter. The Winter Reliability Program was proposed for the winter of 2013-2014 to address this concern. The program in a modified form was also in place for the winter of 2014-2015.

Q 6:       Please describe the main elements of the most recent Winter Reliability Program.

The Winter Reliability Program provides compensation for oil inventory and liquefied natural gas (“LNG”) contractual amounts that remain unused at the end of winter. The compensation encourages fuel arrangements that might not otherwise be made by generation owners. The program also provides incentives for incremental winter demand response and for implementing dual fuel capability.

Q 7:       Does the problem that the Winter Reliability Program is intended to address still exist in future planning years?

The ISO states that once the Commission-approved Pay for Performance (“PfP”) market reforms are in place, the Winter Reliability Program will no longer be needed, as the PfP reforms will create stronger incentives for winter fuel arrangements. However, these reforms will only be implemented starting in June 2018. The ISO believes the Winter Reliability Program is still needed for the 2015-2016 winter and for the following two winters before PfP is implemented.[1]

Q 8:       Has the ISO quantified the risk to reliability if a Winter Reliability Program is not in place?

A detailed analysis of the risk, or of the cost-benefit of the Winter Reliability Program, has not been performed. The concern is the following scenario: that certain resource owners (taking into account the potential revenues from energy and ancillary services markets, and potential consequences under their CSOs) may choose to store less fuel than they could; and extended cold and/or other circumstances could cause rarely-used resources to run many more hours than their owners expected; and circumstances prevent timely in-season replenishment, leading to loss of some capacity due to lack of fuel; and when this occurs, other resources and imports are not available in sufficient quantities to avoid loss of load.

It would be very difficult to quantify the likelihood and impact of this scenario, and the ISO has not attempted to perform such an analysis. However, stakeholders have generally supported the implementation of a targeted and relatively low-cost Winter Reliability Program as insurance against the potential for bad outcomes under such a scenario.

Document Source Citations


    [1]     NESCOE filed a motion to intervene in this docket on July 17, 2015.

    [2]     Capitalized terms not defined in this filing are intended to have the meaning given to such terms in the ISO-NE Transmission, Markets and Services Tariff.

    [3]     Under Section 11.1.5. of the Participants Agreement, “when NEPOOL supports by at least a 60% Vote of the Participants Committee a Market Rule change that is different than what is being proposed by ISO-NE,” ISO-NE is required to make a “jump ball” filing whereby both the ISO-NE and NEPOOL proposal are filed pursuant to Section 205 of the Federal Power Act (“FPA”) and are considered by the Commission “at the same time and on the same legal footing[.]” July 15 Filing at Attachment N-1a (the “NEPOOL Filing Letter”), at 3-4. The NEPOOL Filing Letter describes the legal standard under a jump ball filing in greater detail.

    [4]     Rehearing Request of ISO New England Inc., Docket No. ER14-2407-003 (filed Feb. 19, 2015) (“ISO-NE Rehearing Request”), at 12; see also Letter from Gordon van Welie, ISO-NE President and CEO, to Judith Judson, Commissioner, Massachusetts Department of Energy Resources, July 6, 2015 (“ISO-NE Letter to DOER”), at 3 (stating that past winter programs “have proven to be a cost-effective short-term solution to help keep the lights on in New England during the winter”), available at

    [5]     ISO New England Inc., Order Accepting Tariff Revisions, 148 FERC ¶ 61,179 (2014) (“September 2014 Order”) at P 40.

    [6]     July 15 Filing at Attachment I-1a (“ISO-NE Filing Letter”) at 9.

    [7]     Order Granting Rehearing, 151 FERC ¶ 61,052 (2015) (the “Rehearing Order”) at P 17.

    [8]     See ISO New England Inc., Winter 2013-14 Reliability Program, Docket No. ER13-1851-000 (filed June 28, 2013) (“Winter Program I Filing”), at 7; Motion to Intervene and Comments of the New England States Committee on Electricity, Docket No. ER13-1851-000 (filed July 13, 2013) (“NESCOE Winter Program I Comments”), at 10. See also Winter Program I Filing at 5 (“As a transition between the [winter reliability program] and the FCM performance incentives project, the ISO intends to propose a scaled-down version of the performance incentives project to purchase a fuel-neutral, winter-based reliability product for the winters of 2014-15 through 2017-18.”).

    [9]     ISO New England Inc., Winter 2014-15 Reliability Program (Part 1 of 2), Docket No. ER14-2407-000 (filed July 11, 2014) (“Winter Program II Filing”), at 8.

    [10]    See ISO-NE Rehearing Request at 2, 8-12.

    [11]    See Section IV.B below.

    [12]    September 2014 Order at P 43 (emphasis added).

    [13]    See NEPOOL Filing Letter at 2; ISO-NE Filing Letter at 3-4.

    [14]    See ISO-NE Filing Letter at 4; see also ISO New England Inc., Fuel Assurance Status Report, Docket Nos. AD13-7-000 and AD14-8-000 (Feb. 18, 2015) (“Fuel Assurance Status Report”), at 5, available at As NESCOE explained in comments on the Fuel Assurance Status Report, although PfP “is expected to influence generator performance and responsiveness, it is not expected to solve the root cause of New England’s fundamental energy infrastructure problem and associated exorbitant price increases. . . . [and] despite over a decade of conversation in New England about gas and electric markets and the potential development of market mechanisms to address infrastructure inadequacies, not one has been proposed that is expected to solve the problems caused by the region’s natural gas constraints in a cost-effective way.” See Comments of the New England States Committee on Electricity, Docket Nos. AD13-7-000 and AD14-8-000 (filed Mar. 20, 2015), at 8, citing to Fuel Assurance Status Report at 4. See also ISO-NE Letter to DOER at 1-2 (stating that PfP “will improve resource performance, but it will not necessarily result in added natural gas pipeline” and will not address significant pricing issues arising from pipeline constraints). Despite implementation of PfP, ISO-NE has identified natural gas pipeline constraints as a continued risk to reliable operations and escalating prices. See, e.g., Gordon Van Welie, ISO-NE, State of the Grid: Managing a System in Transition, Presentation and Remarks, Jan. 21, 2015, at 35 (“Reliability will be threatened, and prices will spike, until the effects of the natural gas pipeline constraints are alleviated with additional investments in fuel infrastructure[.]”), available at; ISO New England, 2015 Regional Electricity Outlook, at 18 (“Without significant expansion of natural gas pipeline and LNG storage serving New England, the impacts on reliability, price, and emissions are likely to continue.”), available at; Fuel Assurance Status Report at 4. The New England states have been closely engaged in collaborative efforts to address regional energy challenges. See, e.g., New England Governors, Actions for a Cleaner, More Reliable and More Affordable Energy Future, Apr. 23, 2015, available at; New England Governors’ Statement: Regional Cooperation on Energy Infrastructure, Apr. 23, 2015, available at

    [15]    ISO-NE Filing Letter at 4.

    [16]    Winter Program II Filing at 5. See also Fuel Assurance Status Report at 7 (“The region relied heavily on oil-fired generators [in the 2013-2014 winter], burning through 1.6 million of the 1.9 million megawatt-hours of oil procured through the program.”).

    [17]    See ISO-NE Filing Letter at 4-5; NEPOOL Filing Letter at 7; Winter Program II Filing at 11.

    [18]    Winter Program II Filing at 11-14.

    [19]    See NEPOOL Filing Letter at 7.

    [20]    September 2014 Order at P 40.

    [21]    ISO New England Inc., 150 FERC ¶ 61,029 (2015) (the “Clarification Order”) at P 10.

    [22]    ISO-NE Rehearing Request at 2.

    [23]    Id. at 11.

    [24]    Id. at 12.

    [25]    Id. at 13.

    [26]    Market-Based Approach to Winter Reliability: Exelon, Entergy and NextEra, NEPOOL Markets Committee, April 13, 2015.

    [27]    Rehearing Order at P 17 (footnote omitted).

    [28]    July 15 Filing at Attachment N-1b, Prepared Testimony of Jeffrey W. Bentz in Support of the New England Power Pool’s Proposed Winter Reliability Program (“Bentz Testimony”), at 21.

    [29]    NEPOOL Filing Letter at 9.

    [30]    ISO-NE Filing Letter at 5.

    [31]    See NEPOOL Filing Letter at 9.

    [32]    NESCOE, Winter Program: New England States’ Preferred Approach, NEPOOL Markets Committee, May 2015, available at

    [33]    See Bentz Testimony at 23 (“A market participant from each of the six NEPOOL sectors joined the proposal in support: Conservation Services Group (Alternative Resources Sector), TransCanada Power Marketing Ltd (Generation Sector), the Connecticut Office of Consumer Counsel (End User Sector), the United Illuminating Company (Transmission Sector), the Massachusetts Municipal Wholesale Electric Company (Publicly Owned Entity Sector), and Energy America, LLC. (an affiliate of Direct Energy) (Supplier Sector).”).

    [34]    NEPOOL Filing Letter at 10; Bentz Testimony at 21, 23.

    [35]    NEPOOL Filing Letter at 11.

    [36]    Id.

    [37]    See ISO-NE Filing Letter at 11.

    [38]    NEPOOL Filing Letter at 14.

    [39]    Id. at 11-14.

    [40]    July 15 Filing at Attachment I-1b, Testimony of Andrew G. Gillespie in Support of ISO New England Inc. (“Gillespie Testimony”), at 15; see ISO-NE Filing Letter at 6.

    [41]    ISO-NE Filing Letter at 11; NEPOOL Filing Letter at 13.

    [42]    Testimony of James F. Wilson, attached hereto as Attachment A (“Wilson Testimony”), at 9, 20.

    [43]   See id. at 4, 9, 19-20.

    [44]    ISO-NE Letter to DOER at 3. See also ISO-NE Rehearing Request at 12 (Winter Program II “has been proven to be a cost-effective interim means to assure fuel inventory while the ISO completes development and implementation of the full PFP market-based solution.”).

    [45]    ISO-NE Rehearing Request at 4. See also ISO-NE Filing Letter at 4-5.

    [46]    ISO-NE Letter to DOER at 3.

    [47]    ISO-NE Filing Letter at 6, 12.

    [48]    Wilson Testimony at 15.

    [49]    Id. at 15-16 (footnote omitted).

    [50]    July 15 Filing at Attachment N-1d, Testimony of Alan A. Trotta, Director of Wholesale Power Contracts for UIL Holdings Corporation (“Trotta Testimony”), at 3.

    [51]    Id.

    [52]    July 15 Filing at Attachment N-1e, Affidavit of Brian E. Forshaw, NEPOOL Participants Committee Publicly Owned Entity Sector Vice-Chair, at 6. See also id. at 7.

    [53]    Bentz Testimony at 19-20.

    [54]    July 15 Filing at Attachment N-1c, Testimony of John Flumerfelt, Director of Government and Regulatory Affairs, Calpine Corporation (“Flumerfelt Testimony”), at 4-5.

    [55]    July 15 Filing at Attachment N-1f, Affidavit of Herb Healy, Senior Director of Regulatory Affairs, EnerNOC, Inc., at 4.

    [56]    Wilson Testimony at 15, 19.

    [57]    ISO-NE Filing Letter at 12 (emphasis added).

    [58]    See Wilson Testimony at 3.

    [59]    Id. at 19.

    [60]    Id. at 20.

    [61]    September 2014 Order at P 43.

    [62]    Id. (emphasis added).

    [63]    Trotta Testimony at 2.

    [64]    Wilson Testimony at 20.

    [65]    Id. at 14.

    [66]    See Gillespie Testimony at 17.

    [67]    Bentz Testimony at 16 (emphasis added).

    [68]    Id. at 20.

    [69]    Trotta Testimony at 2.

    [70]    See ISO-NE Letter to DOER at 3; ISO-NE Rehearing Request at 4, 12; ISO-NE Filing Letter at 4-5.

    [71]    ISO-NE Filing Letter at 6, 12.

    [72]    Id. at 9.

    [73]    While some might argue for the exclusion of LNG and demand response resources from Winter Program III under the same rationale, these resources have proven to make limited but cost-effective contributions to the Winter Reliability Programs and, unlike the Newly Eligible Resources, they have a more direct nexus to gas pipeline constraints which motivated the advent of these programs.

    [74]    See September 2014 Order at P 43; Rehearing Order at P 17. See Section IV.C below explaining why the Rehearing Order did not require ISO-NE to file its “expanded” program.

    [75]    ISO-NE Filing Letter at 12.

    [76]    Wilson Testimony at 8; see also id. at 9.

    [77]    Id. at 8, 18.

    [78]    Id. at 18-19.

    [79]    Trotta Testimony at 4. See also Bentz Testimony at 22 (“NESCOE, along with other stakeholders, concluded that the ISO-NE Proposal was no more market-based than the Winter Program II, and were concerned that the additional costs of the ISO-NE proposal provided no identifiable benefits.”).

    [80]    Bentz Testimony at 12.

    [81]    Flumerfelt Testimony at 3.

    [82]    Wilson Testimony at 10-11 (emphasis in original).

    [83]    See September 2014 Order at P 43.

    [84]    Winter Program II Filing at 8.

    [85]    Winter Program I Filing at 7. See also id. at 5 (“As a transition between the Winter Reliability Project and the FCM performance incentives project, the ISO intends to propose a scaled-down version of the performance incentives project to purchase a fuel-neutral, winter-based reliability product for the winters of 2014-15 through 2017-18.”).

    [86]    NESCOE Winter Program I Comments at 10.

    [87]    Motion to Intervene and Comments of the New England States Committee on Electricity, Docket Nos. ER14-2407-000 et al. (filed Aug. 1, 2014), at 5.

    [88]    Motion for Leave to Answer and Limited Answer of the New England States Committee on Electricity, Docket No. ER14-2407-003 (filed Mar. 4, 2015), at 3.

    [89]    ISO-NE Rehearing Request at 8.

    [90]    Id. at 2, 8-12.

    [91]    Wilson Testimony at 9-10.

    [92]    Id.

    [93]    Id. at 10. See also id. at 20 (a market-based approach “would likely be ineffective and costly.”).

    [94]    Indeed, one way to erode support for genuine market-based approaches is to label an approach market-based and, through it, force consumers to pay more for resources with no apparent incremental value.

    [95]    Memorandum from ISO-NE to NEPOOL Members, 2015-2016 Winter Program Payment Rate, July 15, 2015, available at

    [96]    Wilson Testimony at 16-17.

    [97]    Id.

    [98]    Gillespie Testimony at 18.

    [99]    As explained in the Wilson Testimony, these are the expected costs assuming 75% of the oil inventory and LNG contract amounts are used. In a cold winter during which the oil and LNG stocks are drawn down such that the program only pays for 25% of the maximum inventory quantity for these resources, the cost of the program for these resources would be roughly $16.5 million, while the other resources compensated under the ISO-NE Proposal would likely still receive close to the $34.8 million maximum amount. See Wilson Testimony at 16-17.

    [100]   Prior to the July 15 Filing, ISO-NE had not provided an estimate of program costs or an assumed compensation rate for subsequent winters. The $14 assumed rate was based on an estimate at the time of what the expected payment rate might be for subsequent winters.

    [101]   Bentz Testimony at 16.

    [102]   Id. (emphasis in original)

    [103]   Id.

    [104]   Wilson Testimony at 17-18.

    [105]   Id.

    [106]   See id. at 18.

    [107]   Bentz Testimony at 18.

    [108]   ISO-NE Filing Letter at 6, citing to ISO-NE Rehearing Request at 12-13.

    [109]   Rehearing Order at P 17 (footnote omitted).

    [110]   Id. (emphasis added)

    [111]   Id.

    [112]   See Bentz Testimony at 13 (emphasis in original), citing to Winter Reliability Solution: Committee Discussion, presentation by Andrew Gillespie, Principal Analyst, Market Development, ISO-NE, March 10-11, 2015 NEPOOL Markets Committee Meeting, at Slide 7; Winter Reliability Solution: Committee Discussion, presentation by Andrew Gillespie, Principal Analyst, Market Development, ISO-NE, Jan. 13-14, 2015 NEPOOL Markets Committee Meeting, at Slide 7; Winter Reliability Solution: Winter Periods Prior to June 1, 2018, presentation by Andrew Gillespie, Principal Analyst, Market Development, ISO-NE, Nov. 11-12, 2014 NEPOOL Markets Committee Meeting, at Slide 6.

    [113]   Wilson Testimony at 13.

    [114]   See id. at 18.

    [115]   Winter Program II Filing at 8.

    [116]   See ISO-NE Filing Letter at 11; Gillespie Testimony at 17-18.

    [117]   Gillespie Testimony at 18; Wilson Testimony at 16-17.

    [118]   NEPOOL Filing Letter at 18.

    [119]   Id.

    [120]   See July 15 Filing at Attachment N-1g, Tabulation of NEPOOL Participants Committee Votes Taken on the ISO-NE and NEPOOL Proposals. Those participants referenced above— Dominion, Entergy, NextEra, GDF SUEZ, and Dynegy—own assets that rely on Newly Eligible Resources, specifically nuclear, coal, or pumped hydro.

    [121]   See NEPOOL Filing Letter at 18.

    [122]   See id., quoting Am. Elec. Power Serv. Corp. v. Midwest Indep. Transmission Sys. Operator, Inc., 122 FERC ¶ 61,083 (2008) at P 172 (“While stakeholder support does not alone prove that the NEPOOL Proposal is just and reasonable and preferable, ‘stakeholder consensus is an important factor to be considered in reviewing the justness and reasonableness of a rate design.’”).

    [123]   September 2014 Order at P 33.

    [124]   Winter Program II Filing at 5-6.

    [125]   About FERC, Guiding Principles, available at